
A user Alice holds a NFTx virtual property, There will be a big upgrade of the network three month later. she worries about the fluctuation of the price of the land decrease after the upgrade. User Bo

Scenario 1

The price of the land increase to 27000

Both parties chose to execute the contract

Seller can receive 25000USDC with Earn 500USDC in One month and hedge the risk.

Buyer can sell the NFT in Market and gain 2000 Profit

Scenario 2

The price of the land increase to 40000

Seller Chose to default

Buyer gain 4900 from Seller's Margin

Seller Sell the NFT on the Market to gain 15000USDC in a Month

Scenario 3

The price of the land decrease to 22000

Buyer chose to default

Seller gain 2450 USDC from buyer's Margin

Buyer lost the margin

Last updated